Law School Incubator Success Stories

The ABA Journal recently reported on young lawyers who utilized a law-school incubator program and are now finding success on their own.

As mentioned in previous posts, law schools have been using the incubator concept "to jump-start the careers of young lawyers going into solo or small practices."

As Yogi Patel put it, “[t]he incubator gave me the time to find my identity as a practitioner and get to the point where you are without fear that you won’t be able to pay the rent next month." And "[n]ot having the pressure of overhead costs allowed Patel to focus on building the business so that when he left the incubator, he already had some clients and income. One of the most valuable parts of being in the incubator program was meeting other lawyers at networking events."

Another success story is Michelle Green who "was among the first to complete the incubator program at Chicago-Kent College of Law, which requires applicants to have a business plan. She had started a solo practice after graduation and worked from home specializing in small-business matters. She joined the incubator for a needed boost." After participating in the incubator program, she now has a small office on the north side of Chicago. As for her experience in the incubator, she said that she "met a really good group of attorneys with solo and small practices" and got a list of attorneys who she could refer matters to and call with questions, which helped her confidence."

It's great to see that law students are succeeding after taking part in an incubator program. And law libraries can offer all sorts of support to incubators to encourage success.


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