Washington & Lee Top 50 Law Reviews & Submission Criteria

As spring law-review submission season winds down, many law faculty are busy submitting to journals. Here is a compilation of the Top 50 law reviews as ranked by Washington & Lee (current combined score 2013) and the submission criteria for each of those law reviews compiled from Information for Submitting Articles to Law Reviews and Journals (Jan. 22, 2105).

1. Stanford Law Review
[Submit] Must use their online submission form. Do not include any identifying information in the submission. Include a brief abstract [Citations] Bluebook format [Word Requirements] word limit of 30,000 words (including footnotes). Remove name or other identifying information [Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review. Use their online form

2. Harvard Law Review
[Format] Word document [Submit] Through their online system or by mail (Articles Office, Harvard Law Review, Gannett House, 1511 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138). Only include identifying information on separate cover page.[Word Requirements] Prefer less than 25,000 words (including footnotes). They will not publish those exceeding 30,000 words or 60 pages. [Citations] Bluebook format [Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review.

3. Columbia Law Review
[Submission Deadlines] CLR publishes 8 times a year (not February, July, August, and September). They accept submissions on a rolling basis. [Submit] Accept and manage submissions exclusively through Scholastica [Word Requirements] 20,000-37,000 (including footnotes). [Format] Double-spaced Word document. [Citations] Bluebook format.

4. The Yale Law Journal
[Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review. Use their online form. [Word Requirements] 25,000 or less (including footnotes) [Submit] Must use their online submissionn form. Remove all author identifying information from the submission. Include a short abstract.

5. University of Pennsylvania Law Review
[Word Requirements] Prefer 35,000 words or less (including footnotes). [Citations] Bluebook format [Submit] Either ExpressO or mail (Articles Editors University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 3501 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6204). If sending as exclusive submission, send by email (lawrev@law.upenn.edu). [Processing Period] THey will consider requests for expedited review. Send through ExpressO or via email (prefers ExpressO) (expedite@pennlawreview.com).

6. The Georgetown Law Journal
[Word Requirements] Must be less than 35,000 words (including footnotes). [Submit] Strongly prefers submissions by Scholastica. (The Georgetown LawJournal is listed under the “T’s” inScholastica.) or by email (glj@law.georgetown.edu). Include an abstract and a CV. [Format] Word document [Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review.

7. UCLA Law Review
[Word Requirements] Prefer articles under 25,000 words and will not publish those which exceed 35,000 words. [Submit]Preferred submissions through Scholastica, but may send by mail (Articles Dept., UCLA Law Review, UCLA School of Law, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1476). Include a table of contents, CV, and a cover letter. [Processing Period] Usually reviewed within 8 weeks. They will consider requests for expedited review.

8. Michigan Law Review
[Submit] (1) Scholastica or (2) mail (Michigan Law Review, Hutchins Hall, 625 S. State Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1215). Include a cover letter with contact info and word count. [Citations] Bluebook format and style should follow The Chicago Manual of Style [Processing Period] Email requests for expedited review. [Word Requirements] Prefer less than 25,000 words (including footnotes)

9. California Law Review
[Submit] (1) Scholastica (preferred), or (2) by mail (Articles Department, California Law Review, 40 Boalt Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720). [Word Requirements] Articles should be 25,000 words or less (including footnotes). They will consider submissions of up to 35,000 words. [Citations] Bluebook format [Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review.

10. Virginia Law Review
[Submission Deadlines] They publish 8 times a year (March, April, May, June, September, October, November, and December). [Word Requirements] Prefer under 25,000 words (including footnotes). [Submit] Exclusively Scholastica. Must include cover letter, which contains title, contact info, brief abstract, copy of manuscript, submission guidelines for Empirical Aricles and Essays [Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review.

11. Minnesota Law Review
[Citations] Bluebook format [Submission Deadline] They publish 6 times per year (November, December, February, April, May, and June. They are now accepting submissions until the volume is filled. They usually accept until September. Accepts through Scholastica.

12. Texas Law Review
[Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review. Use their online form. [Submit] Accepts submissions by Scholastica only. [Word Requirements] 40-70 pages (20,000-35,000 words, including footnotes), no absolute cap.

13. New York University Law Review
[Citations] Bluebook format [Word Requirements] Prefer pieces under 25,000 words (including footnotes). Include brief abstract. [Submit] Exclusively Scholastica. [Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review.

14. Fordham Law Review
[Submit] Strongly prefers submissions via Scholastica or by mail (Executive Articles Editor, Fordham Law Review, Fordham University School of Law, 140 West 62nd Street, New York, NY 10023). [Word Requirement] None[Citations] Bluebook format. [Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review.

15. Cornell Law Review
[Word Requirements] Prefer 30,000 words or less (including footnotes) They will not publish if over 40,000 words. [Format] Word document [Submit] Either through ExpressO or by mail (Articles Office, Cornell Law Review, Myron Taylor Hall, Ithaca, New York 14853). [Citations] Bluebook format [Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review.

16. Notre Dame Law Review
[Citations] Bluebook format [Submit] Strongly prefers submissions via Scholastica. [Format] Word document 15,000-30,000 words (footnotes included). Include CV. [Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review by email. [Submission Deadline] They publish 5 issues between October-June

17. Northwestern University Law Review
[Submit] Submissions must be made by Scholastica. Submissions are not accepted via e-mail and mailing of hard copies is allowed only in extenuating circumstances. [Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review through Scholastica. [Word Requirements] Prefer articles between 15,000 and 30,000 words (including footnotes). [Citations] Use footnotes rather than endnotes; Conform to the Bluebook and the Texas Law Review Manual on Usage & Style. [Format] Double-space

18. Iowa Law Review
[Submit] Must use Scholastica [Format] Word document [Citations] Must conform to the Bluebook, Redbook, and the conventions of the Iowa Law Review. [Submission Deadlines] They publish 5 times per year(November, January, March, May, and July)

19. Duke Law Journal
[Submission Deadline] They publish 8 times per year. [Citations] Bluebook format [Submit] Either Scholastica or by mail (Duke Law Journal, Duke University School of Law, 210 Science Drive, Box 90371, Durham, NC 27708).[Word Requirements] Prefer articles of fewer than 35,000 words (including footnotes).Include a cover letter.

20. Vanderbilt Law Review
[Submit]Strongly prefers ExpressO. Also accepts submissions by e-mail to articles.review@law.vanderbilt.edu OR mail to:Senior Articles Editor, Vanderbilt Law Review, 131 21st Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37203. They publish 6 times a year (January, March, April, May, October, and November). [Format] Include cover letter and CV.

21. William and Mary Law Review
[Submission Guidelines] They publish 6 issues (October, November, December, March, April, and May). Submit before February the year before. [Submit] Either via ExpressO or mail (Senior Articles Editor, William & Mary Law Review, William & Mary School of Law, P.O. Box 8795, Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795). Include a cover letter and an abstract. [Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review by email (wmlawrev@gmail.com).

22. Boston University Law Review
[Processing Period] They consider requests for expedited review. [Submit] ExpressO. Include a CV and cover letter

23. The University of Chicago Law Review
[Submit] Either via Scholastica or email (lrarticles@law.uchicago.edu) [Submissions Deadline] They accept submissions on a rolling basis. [Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review through Scholastica or email.

24. University of Illinois Law Review
[Citations] Bluebook format and conform to the Chicago Manual of Style. [Submit] (1) ExpressO, (2) email (law-review@illinois.edu), or (3) mail (Articles Editors, University of Illinois Law Review, University of Illinois College of Law, 244H Law Building, 504 East Pennsylvania Avenue. Champaign, IL 61820-6996). Include a cover letter or CV. Will consider expedited review.

25. Boston College Law Review
[Submission Deadline] They publish 5 times per year. They accept submissions year round [Submit] (1) via Scholastica, (2) email (bclr@bc.edu), or (3) mail (Boston College Law School, Attn: Boston College Law Review, 885 Centre Street, Newton, MA 02459-1163). Include a cover letter and resume/bio/CV. [Format] Word (preferred), WordPerfect, or PDF. Please include (1) cover letter that references the article’s title, briefly describes the article, and contains the author’s name, affiliation, and full contact information; and (2) résumé, bio, or CV.[Processing Period] They consider requests for for expedited review.

26. Cardozo Law Review
[Word Requirement] Preference that are under 35,000 words. [Submit] Scholastica or email (cardozo.submissions@gmail.com) [Submissions Deadline] The Spring issue period is February-April and Fall issue period is August-September. Please include (1) cover letter that references the article’s title, briefly describes the article, and contains the author’s name, affiliation, and full contact information; and (2) résumé, bio, or CV.

27. North Carolina Law Review
[Submit] Strongly prefers submissions throughScholastica. Can mail (Executive Articles Editor, The North Carolina Law Review, UNC School of Law, Van Hecke-Wettach Hall, 100 Ridge Road, Campus Box #3380, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599-3380). [Citations] Bluebook format [Word Requirements] Prefer under 25,000 words (including footnotes) and will not publish if over 40,000 words. [Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review. Email the Executive Articles Editor at nclrev@unc.edu

28. U.C. Davis Law Review
[Citations] Bluebook format [Format] Word or PDF document [Submit] Either Scholastica or email (lawreview@law.ucdavis.edu). Include a table of contents, CV, and cover letter. [Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review by Scholastica or email.

29. Indiana Law Journal
[Submission Deadline] They will begin accepting submissions for the next volume in February 2014. [Submit] ExpressO [Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review. [Format] Text and citations should conform to the Bluebook and the Chicago Manual of Style.

30. Southern California Law Review
[Submission Deadline] They accept submissions on a rolling basis. They publish six issues a year. [Word Requirements] Prefer 35,000 words or less (including footnotes) [Citations] Bluebook format [Submit] (1) Scholastica, (2) email (sclr.articles@lawmail.usc.edu), or (3) mail (Executive Articles Editor, Southern California Law Review, The Gould School of Law, University of Southern California, University Park, Los Angeles, California 90089-0071).

31. The George Washington Law Review
[Submit] Strongly prefers Scholastica, but will continue to accept submissions by e-mail to gwlrarticles@law.gwu.edu. [Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review.

32. Hastings Law Journal
[Submission Deadline] They are currently accepting submissions and will start reviewing at the end of February. [Submit] (1) ExpressO (strongly prefer), (2) via email (hlj@hastingslawjournal.org), or (3) by mail (Hastings Law Journal, U.C. Hastings College of the Law, 200 McAllister Street, San Francisco, California 94102-4707). Include a cover letter and brief abstract. [Word Requirements] Prefer less than 30,000 words. [Citations] Bluebook format [Format] Double-spaced [Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review during the school year.

33. Emory Law Journal
[Submission Deadline] They publish 6 times per year. [Submit] They only accept submissions through ExpressO. [Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review. [Citations] Bluebook format (footnotes rather than endnotes).

34. Harvard Journal of Law & Technology
[Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review. Consider expedite requests [Format] Word document [Submit] Via Scholastica. Include a resume, letter of introduction, and a short abstract.

35. Florida Law Review
[Submission Deadline] They cannot review submissions or expedite any reviews during the summer period (late April through July) or the winter period (early November through January). [Submit] Only accept submissions through ExpressO. Include a cover letter (that includes contact info and a short synopsis of the manuscript) and a CV. [Word Requirements] Under 50 pages (approx. 25,000 words including footnotes). [Citations] Bluebook format. [Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review.

36. Connecticut Law Review
[Submit] (1) Prefers Scholastica or (2) mail (Connecticut Law Review, Attn: Submissions, 65 Elizabeth Street, Hartford, CT 06105-2290) Include a cover letter or CV/resume. [Processing Period] Considers expedited review.

37. Wisconsin Law Review
[Submit]Accepts submissions only by Scholastica. [Ciations] Bluebook format and the Chicago Manual of Style [Word Requirements] Prefer 30,000 words or less (including footnotes). [Processing Period] Will consider expedited requests.

38. Washington University Law Review
[Submission Deadline] They accept submissions on a rolling basis. [Submit] Either via ExpressO or email (review@wulaw.wustl.edu). Include cover letter that indicates the manuscript’s title, its nature, and provides contact information. [Citations] Bluebook format [Word Requirements] Typically between 15,000 and 35,000 words [Format] Word document [Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review through ExpressO.

39. Supreme Court Review
[Submission Deadline] They publish once in the Spring. They make editorial decisions once in June and then again in Sep. [Citations] Should follow The Maroon Book style guide [Submit] Mail 3 copies to Dennis Hutchinson, 1111 East 60th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637

40. Harvard International Law Journal
[Submission Deadline] They accept on a rolling basis but for Summer Issue (submit by November 1st) and for Winter Issue (submit by May 1st). [Word Requirements] Minimum of 12,500 words and maximum of 35,000 words. [Citations] Bluebook format [Submit] Only accept through ExpressO or the submission form on their website. Include an abstract of not more than 250 words, as well as a resume or CV, which includes a list of current publications. Authors also must ensure that their submissions include a direct e-mail address and phone number at which they can be reached throughout the review period. [Processing Period] Will consider expedited reviews.

41. Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review
[Submit] Either through ExpressO or by email (CRCLEAE@gmail.com). Include a cover letter and a CV. [Citations] Bluebook format [Word Requirements] less than 30,000 words (including footnotes)

42. Wake Forest Law Review
[Word Requirements] Prefer 25,000 words or less (including footnotes). [Format] Word document (Times New Roman, 12 pt, 1 inch margins). Include a cover letter describing the article and indicating why it should be published. Disclose any economic interests and affiliations that may influence the views expressed. [Submit] (1) Strongly prefers submissions by Scholastica, (2) email (seniorarticleseditor@wakeforestlawreview.com), or (3) mail (Wake Forest Law Review, Wake Forest University School of Law, P.O. Box 7206 Reynolda Station, Winston-Salem, NC 27109-7206).

43. American University Law Review
[Submission Deadlines] They accept submissions on a rolling basis. [Submit] They prefer submissions via Scholastica or ExpressO. Include an abstract and a CV. [Processing Period] Will consider expedited review requests.

44. Washington Law Review
[Submit] Either via ExpressO or mail (Washington Law Review, Attn: Articles Department, University of Washington, William H. Gates Hall, Box 353020, Seattle, WA 98195) [Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review. Email the Editor-in-Chief at bhowlett@washlrev.org. [Word Requirements] 30,000 words or fewer [Citations] Bluebook format. follows the grammar conventions of The Redbook: A Manual on Legal Style and The Chicago Manual of Style, and follows the spelling conventions of Webster’s Third New International Dictionary and Black’s Law Dictionary.

45. Harvard Journal on Legislation
[Submit] ExpressO. [Citations] Bluebook format [Format] Word (double-spaced).

46. Arizona Law Review
[Processing Period] They consider requests for expedited review. [Format] 35,000 words or less (including footnotes)[Citations] Must be in footnote format and conform to the Bluebook. [Submit] Consider expedited requests. Either via Scholastica/ExpressO or by email, with a resume/CV (submissions@arizonalawreview.org).

47. Ohio State Law Journal
[Submission Deadline] They will start accepting submissions for each upcoming year in late February. Best time to send is mid-February-early April or early August-early September [Citation] Bluebook format [Submit] Either ExpressO or mail, include a paper copy (Ohio State Law Journal, Attention: Article Submissions, The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, 55 West 12th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210). Include a cover letter with your contact information and CV. [Processing Period] Email them with requests for expedited review.

48. Lewis & Clark Law Review
[Submission Deadline] Submissions are generally accepted every August and February. [Citations] Bluebook format [Format] Word, WordPerfect, and PDF. If submitting by e-mail, include the author’s name and manuscript title in thesubject line. [Submit] Scholastica (preferred), ExpressO, by email (submissions@lclawreview.com), or by mail (Lewis & Clark Law Review, Attention: Submissions Editor, Lewis & Clark Law School, 10015 SW Terwilliger Blvd., Portland, OR 97219-7799). [Processing Period] Will consider expedited review requests.

49. Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy
[Format] Double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. [Submit] Via ExpressO (preferred) or by mail (1541 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138). Include CV and cover letter (with word count and short description of the manuscript).

50. Washington and Lee Law Review
[Submission Deadline] They accept throughout the year. [Citations] Bluebook format [Format] Word document (12 pt. font/double-spaced) [Processing Period] They will consider requests for expedited review through ExpressO. [Submit] Either via ExpressO or mail (Senior Articles Editors, Washington and Lee Law Review, Room 408, Washington and Lee University School of Law, Lexington, Virginia 24450).

Good luck this season! As a note, Washington & Lee expects to have the rankings database updated sometime in early March.


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