Law Libraries Under Cardiac Arrest
The most recent edition of The Law Library Journal was released this week, and there's an interesting article by Ursula Gorham & Paul Jaeger called The Law School Library or the Library at the Law School? How Lessons from Other Types of Libraries Can Inform the Evolution of the Academic Law Library in the Digital Age . The authors note that [f]or much of their history, law school libraries were routinely characterized as the heart of their law schools . “The law library has always been a core part of the law school with the primary mission to serve the legal research needs of law school faculty and students.” Within the last 60 years, however, we've seen a huge transition from a focus on our print collections to, more recently, a focus on our services . The importance of the academic law library has long been reflected by its prominent mention within the ABA’s Standards and Rules of Procedure for Approval of Law Schools. The 1960s marked the beginning of the golden ag...