Law Reviews Born Digital Pt. 2: Archiving Considerations
Most of us are in agreement that it's time for law reviews to go online. As a librarian, my biggest concern is archiving. I want to make sure that we do not lose the valuable information that legal scholars create. From the Durham Statement : "[W]e believe that, if law schools are willing to commit to stable and open digital storage for the journals they publish, there are no longer good reasons for individual libraries to rely on paper copies as the archival format. Agree-upon stable, open, digital formats will ensure that legal scholarship will be preserved long-term." I've been trying to find best practices for archiving, and I haven't come up with much. What we consider "stable, open, and digital" is constantly changing, and there are no set standards. From the FAQ's on the Durham Statement's website : Are there "stable, open, and digital" formats available now for preserving law journals? We recognize that there is work to...