February 2014 Michigan Bar Exam Results

On May 13, the Michigan Board of Law Examiners released the names of the most recent Michigan bar exam passers.

The passage rate was 69% for first time takers with 265 people passing on their first try. The total passage rate for all applicants (including retakers) was 64% with 434 total passers.

The breakdown for Michigan law schools for all takers is as follows: 

Thomas M. Cooley:  58 percent passed, 42 percent failed. (226 passed)

Michigan State University: 70 percent passed, 30 percent failed. (26 passed)

University of Detroit Mercy: 64 percent passed, 36 percent failed. (49 passed)

University of Michigan: 85 percent passed, 15 percent failed. (22 passed)

Wayne State University: 76 percent passed, 24 percent failed. (34 passed)

University of Toledo: 75 percent passed, 25 percent failed. (6 passed)

Others: 71 percent passed, 29 percent failed. (71 passed)

Of course, these are pre-appeal, but things have improved. July 2013's exam had a total passage rate of 60%

Congrats to all of those who passed! From the State Bar of Michigan's Blog, here's what you do now that you have passed. 


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