Remember The Search Tips For Any Database

This morning I instructed on free or low cost legal-research databases. Databases like Casemaker, Fastcase, Google Scholar, Loislaw, and VersusLaw to name a few. When doing this type of instruction, I always try to reiterate to the students that each of the databases have nuanced search functionality, and the students should always look at the search tips from the respective database to maximize searching.

Most of the databases allow for boolean searching, but it may not be the same type of boolean searching that you can do on WEXBERG. The search tips will generally tell you which proximity connectors to use in the particular database.

Also, most databases provide a comprehensive user guide:
In addition to user guides, most of the databases also provide blogs or websites offering search tips:
Because many state bars provide Casemaker to their members, there are quite a few research guides from the various state bars providing tips on using Casemaker. One must simply Google "Casemaker research tips" to find more information.


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