Tell Your Library Story

Gale has started an online community called My Library Story to combat the impression that libraries are past their prime or doomed to irrelevancy.

From the promotional material:

"Let's get the good news out about libraries!

Visit and share the brand-new online community, My Library Story, to talk about the great things libraries do every day. How they are an essential institution in your community or on your campus. How all ages use libraries to thrive. How libraries make a significant impact on positive user outcomes like greater student performance, job placement, and more."

There's a great story about a high school dropout who credits his local library, the Detroit Public Library, for educating him for "free." He never completed high school, never went to college, but he was admitted to the Detroit College of Law and practiced as a lawyer for 30 years (at the time when more law schools would admit nontraditional students without undergraduate degrees if they had relevant experience). Librarians have always considered libraries as the "people's university," and it's wonderful to see someone who took full advantage of the resources available to him through his local library.

Please share your library story and help spread the word that libraries are still relevant and doing great things for their communities.



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