The Bar Exam Month Is Upon Us

In a layman's world, July is a time for summer fun. But in a recent law graduates world, July marks the unholy descent into the bar exam. Most people studying for the bar exam have been in the thick of it for at least a month, but July is when it starts to get real.

For July 2014, the bar exam will generally take place July 29-30, give or take. In preparation for these impending dates, the ABA Journal posed the question, "what was the strangest thing you saw at the bar exam?" The comments may give bar-exam takers an idea of what they are in for and what to watch out for.

For those of you studying, keep on a truckin'. It will be here before you know it. Try to stay calm in the interim, and if all else fails, remind yourself that even if you do not pass, it is not the end of the world (even if it feels like it). 

There's been a popular BuzzFeed outlining 14 famous people who failed the bar  - including the likes of Michelle Obama, FDR, Hillary Clinton, and Benjamin Cardozo. And all of these folks went on to amazing careers. 

Good luck as the month continues and keep downing the coffee. 



  1. Buzzfeed is wrong about Cardozo. Please don't perpetuate this pernicious canard, which has been posted and reposted many times in the past few years. The truth is contained in Andrew Kaufman’s biography, Cardozo, at p. 54: young Benjamin applied for admission to the New York on June 26, 1891, as soon as he turned 21. He was duly examined and was admitted on October 26 of that year. Now it IS true that Cardozo dropped out of Columbia law school without earning a law degree, but that’s another story (told at p.49).

  2. Thank you for clearing up this ongoing pernicious canard, Professor Stockmeyer.


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