FBI's Glossary Of Internet Slang

The ABA Journal reported on the FBI's creation of a glossary of Internet slang. The glossary is composed of 83 pages and was released to the public after a FOIA request.

MuckRock posted the guide under the heading 'Twitter shorthand,' but the Washington Post says many of the terms are rarely used. ALOTBSOL (always look on the bright side of life) has been tweeted fewer than 500 times in eight years of Twitter’s existence, for example. The story lists 18 others, including these:

• BOGSAT (bunch of guys sitting around talking), 144 tweets

• DILLIGAD (does it look like I give a damn?), 289 tweets

• ITYWIMWYBMAD (if I tell you what it means will you buy me a drink?), 250 tweets

• BTDTGTTSAWIO (been there, done that, got the T-shirt and wore it out), 47 tweets

Although the copy of the glossary that was released in nearly illegible, this may be a more reputable source of Internet slang than Urban Dictionary, which courts have used to define Internet slang.


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