Teaching Kits For Law Librarians

Yesterday, I posted about useful teaching kits for law professors, so I thought I would do the same for law librarians.

The Research Instruction & Patrons Services (RIPS) special interest section of the American Association of Law Libraries is in its 22nd year of offering teaching kits for law librarians.

The information for this year's teach-in includes:

Presentations and Course Materials
Advanced Legal Research
Citator Exercise
Cloud Computing, Mobile Tech & Legal Apps
Federal Legislative History Assignment
Federal Statutes Assignment
Introduction to Empirical Legal Research
Local Government Law
Online Search Fundamentals
Research Practicum
Secondary Sources Exercise

Handouts and Guides
Administrative Law Research Guide
Cost Effective Legal Research Guide
Legal Research Guides
Online Legal Research Handout
Preemption Checklist
Research Checklist

State Law Oranges to Oranges
State Law Bingo
State Law Flashback
State Law Sub Rosa

These all look great, and I am particularly interested in the Cloud Computer, Mobile Tech & Legal Apps instruction kit. More and more of our students will rely on cloud computing and mobile technology while in practice, and I think it is important for the students to receive some training on the dos-and-don't of mobile technology.

Thank you RIPS for compiling these great resources!


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