AALL State of Profession Survey

The Advisory Group is comprised of librarians from all types of law libraries with the purpose of designing a survey to assess the current state of the profession.
The State of the Profession Survey will document the current landscape of law libraries, specific to each library type, and will provide benchmarking in the following areas: Technology, collections and library resources, constituent services, institutional outcomes, research competencies, training, staffing, and leadership.
The purpose of the State of the Profession Survey is to provide members and their organizations with the information and insights they need to effectively assess, advocate, and strategically prepare for the future.
We started working on the survey in 2017 with this purpose in mind. In the survey, you will find questions pertaining to the various enumerated areas.
While the survey is a little long, there's not a question included without a specific purpose in mind. If we all make a concerted effort to input the data requested, we are confident that we'll have a clearer picture of the current state of the law librarian profession as a whole. And unlike the annual surveys that many of us are currently working on, this is a one-time survey!
As noted in a recent email from AALL:
The ultimate objective of the survey is to deliver a report to identify, clarify, and support the value of your individual and collective roles. The survey aims to understand the impact of significant challenges we have faced while shining a bright light on our unflagging commitment to delivering outstanding services to our communities and advancing the legal information profession as a whole.
Separate instruments have been created for academic, government, and private/corporate law libraries. It is estimated that it will take those in director-level roles about 45-60 minutes to complete the survey and respondents in non-director positions approximately 15 minutes.
NOTE: You can save your work and return to the survey as time permits. Completed surveys are due by 11:59 p.m. (Central Time) on Friday, December 7.
Every survey link is unique and ARI is managing participation.
If you have not received a survey invitation, please contact ARI at ari@associationresearch.com with this subject line: AALL State of the Profession Survey Request.
Be assured that information you provide to ARI will be kept confidential.
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