Law-Lib Listerv

If you are new to the law-librarian profession, you may want to consider subscribing to the law-lib listerv. It's a very active email listserv where law librarians come together to send each other news, job postings, and share materials.

To subscribe, send an email to with subscribe law-lib in the subject line. 

You should leave the body of the message blank, and delete any signature information from the end of the message. Note that Sympa prefers commands in the subject line, rather than in the body of your message.

I receive up to 10 emails a day from the listerv - many asking for help with material. And our library has used the listerv to gather hard-to-find resources from other libraries outside of the traditional ILL system. The listerv is extremely useful and a great network. 

For more information, see the Law-Lib Listerv FAQ


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